Platte Valley Elementary School - Sedgwick, Colorado - Elementary School

Platte Valley Elementary School

Phone - 970-463-5650
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Platte Valley Elementary School
415 West Avenue
Sedgwick, CO 80749-128
Grades Taught/District Info
Lowest Grade Taught: Kindergarten
Highest Grade Taught: 6th Grade
  Colorado Elementary Schools
School District: Platte Valley Re-3
County: Sedgwick
Male/Female Population
Male Female Total
32 18 50
Students by Race
Race Count %
American Indian - Alaskan 0 -
Asian - Pacific Islander 0 -
Black 2 4.00
Hispanic 7 14.00
White 41 82.00
Student by Grade Count
Platte Valley Elementary School Reviews

From: Tracy L Young | submitted: Mar 26, 2009
I think this is an amazing school it has a great small town life to it yet does not skimp on education in any sense of the word. There may be a couple of the teachers I would like to see swaped out but for the most part the teachers here are superb! I really miss last years principal as I feel he related to the children better than the new principal. There are many other things I would love to see this school do with these kids to bring back much of the old fashioned festivities given to our kids in school. Lets bring back the penny carnivals with cake walks and fund raisers that get the kids involved physically. I would love it if the kids could put on an annual play as well as the end of the year spring concerts. But all in all this school has a grade A in my eyes. My child is getting the best education possible. I would home school before I allowed my child to go to a Denver school and get lost in the system of 30 plus kids per classroom. My child has a classroom size in average of 8 to 12 kids. What could be better odds than that? He still socializes with peers his own age and gets plenty of one on one attention from his teachers.

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